Event Phases: Execute

This article is an overview of the Execute event phase and will walk you through completing your post event recap.

Execute is the second of three event phases displayed in the Event Details page. This phase is all about executing your event; completing your post event report, capturing expenses, photos, and more. Use the top bar messaging to guide you through each your required actions. 

This page is customized by your administrator and may have any combination of the following data capture elements:

Event Data
Event Data is the post event form for the event. This form is configured by your administrator and consists of questions specific for your event. 

To fill out this section, simply click into any of the fields and answer each question. Once you've completed each field, be sure to click Save. 

Activities are additional forms to be filled out for your event. These are also configured by your administrator and may or may not be required based on your campaign. An example of a common activity is a survey to distribute at your event. 

To add an activity to your event, click Add Activity and select your activity from the list. 

Click here for more information about adding activities. 

Expenses allow you to capture expenses from your event and upload accompanying receipts. 

To add an expense, click Add Expense and enter your relevant information into the provided fields. 

The Gallery allows you to upload photos from your computer to your event.

To upload a photo, click browse and choose from your files. 

Use the comments section to capture consumer comments from your event. 

To add a comment, click the "+" and type the consumer response into the light box. To add another comment simply click "+" again. 

How to Submit your Report
Once you've completed all required information, the submit button will appear in the top bar messaging, prompting you to finish and submit. 

Additional Links: 
Event Phases: Plan
Event Phases: Results
Understanding Event Details

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