Venues Overview

The Venues module holds all historical data for venues within Brandscopic. This section allows you to track performance and view aggregated post event data for specific accounts.

Navigating the Venues List
The Venues List is a master list of all venues within Brandscopic. Our list works in conjunction with google to produce an exhaustive list of all accounts. You can target specific venues by either searching directly in the search box at the top of the page, or using the right sidebar filters.
This is a great way to view account total spend, promo hours and more across all programs. It is important to note that this section is an aggregates of all programs in the system.

Venue Score

The score that you see to the left of each venue is the Venue Score. This score is calculated using historical data collected at that venue.  Specifically, this calculation looks at the average number of impressions per hour and average cost per impression compared to similar venues within the area.

Venue Details

Clicking on any venue in the Venues List will take you to the Venue Details Page. This page holds all pertinent historical information for that particular venue including location details, post event data, photos, and more.

To learn more about the Venue Details Page please click here.

Creating a New Venue

To add a new venue to the system, click the red create button in the upper left corner Please click here to learn more about creating venues.

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